Welcome to the WKV family. Financially independent, flexible and profitable.
It goes without saying that investing in hydropower technology is a good thing. Also, that WKV is the first choice. Our company has been family-run since 1979, and will remain so. Wasserkraft Volk AG is financially independent and has up-to-date know-how along the entire value chain. Our high level of vertical integration allows us to quickly integrate trends and innovations into our solutions. And that also pays off in the long term for our investors.
Green hydroelectric power is the oldest and best-used renewable energy source in the world. With a hydroelectric power station you are investing in a clean future for our planet because:
- Hydropower already supplies electricity for more than 1 million people in Germany.
- Hydropower is the only renewable energy that can be used as a baseload.
- Hydropower compensates for fluctuations of other renewable energies.
- Of all renewable energies, hydropower has the highest harvest factor (ratio of energy used to energy generated), which is up to 200 (photovoltaic approx. 3).
- Hydroelectric power stations have the highest efficiency of over 90%.
- Hydroelectric power stations have the longest lifespan of well over 80 years and therefore are, particularly resource-saving and sustainable.
- Hydropower has the highest generation time, between 5,500 and 6,500 hours per year. A photovoltaic power station would have to deliver 5.5 to 6.5 times its power capacity to achieve the same annual work; a wind turbine would have to deliver 2.75 to 3.25 times its power capacity.
- Hydroelectric power stations clean the waters with their rake cleaning systems. The collected debris is disposed of at the expense of the operator - an important contribution to environmental protection for everybody.
- Hydropower has had the highest acceptance among the populations for centuries.
- Basins and dams are active flood protections.
- Hydroelectric power stations raise the groundwater level in the dam area.
- Hydropower enables many animal species to survive within the dam area, but also in river stretches with less water (breeding and young animal areas).
- According to estimates, the expansion of small hydroelectric power stations in Germany could replace the output of two nuclear power stations. Example: The typical "Black Forest Power Station" with 40 kW generates between 220,000 kWh and 260,000 kWh - electricity for 55 to 65 households.

The shares of Wasserkraft Volk AG are free float shares and are not traded on any stock exchange. As a result, they are hardly subject to the fluctuations of the global capital markets. The broad distribution of shareholders is also a protection against possible hostile takeovers.
We use your investment in WKV shares directly to create qualified jobs in Germany and to expand renewable energies worldwide. You, as an investor, benefit from this, so do employees, the society and the environment. According to the statutes, Wasserkraft Volk AG distributes 5 percent of the profit generated to ecological and social projects every year.